Under construction - a new name!

7:18 PM Unknown 0 Comments

As you have probably notices the name of this blog has changed yesterday. I've been thinking about a good brand and a good brand comes with a good name. Especially a blog that is about Vintage and retro clothing, hair, make up and so forth needs a good name.

I was searching around this weekend to get some inspiration and found a post about branding and finding your "pin-up" name by one of my favorite bloggers Miss Victory Violet. According to her post you need to think of a name that means something to you and that has a meaning in your life and that's how I came up with Miss Kitty Heart. I chose the words Kitty and Heart because they have a meaning in my life and they define me.

The word kitty is obviously for my great and everlasting obsession with cats and other feline species in the animal kingdom. I love them and their quirky personalities, plus I own two little ones myself. The word heart came afterwards since a lot of other things didn't sound as good as I wished... and I have an undying love for the sun and moon in my life that is called Ignace. He holds the key to my heart and I also have a heart locket tattooed on my lower leg to honor my love for him. 

Thus I added the word Miss and Miss Kitty Heart was born. 
I already changed my name on Instagram and my Facebookpage as well (although my facebookpage name has a beautiful typo in it until January 1st... Ignore that please) 

The blog will be under construction for a few more days since I have to change some links and do some design changes but I think I'll probably be done by Thursday so you can expect a brand new post under the new Miss Kitty Heart brand by New Year! 

So you all next year and happy holidays!

Miss Kitty Heart is on:

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